Communities around the world are facing interlocking challenges that are not solvable within the systems that created and perpetuate them, thus, it is a vital time for visionary leadership to generate positive societal change so that our children and grandchildren can enjoy a flourishing  future. 

Answering the call of transformative systems change, the Okanagan coLab is championing the development of a reciprocal bioregional Living Economy, called the Okanagan Circular Society (OCS), that generates community wealth and well-being.


By working together, we can build the OCS Living Economy pilot project that can then replicate and scale in other communities / bioregions, creating the possibility for global transformation and a truly sustainable and flourishing future. 

By remembering the common interests and interconnectedness with all of life – ecosystem by ecosystem – we can weave together the infrastructure to ensure a lasting positive legacy for many generations. 

Co-creating a just, equitable, and sustainable future invites us to let go of the status quo, while simultaneously opening ourselves to new ways of being, knowing, and organizing that rebuild living community systems.

The OCS is based on leading-edge community and economic transformation research, and its 4-pillars have the capacity to meet our social, environmental, and economic challenges. Together we can create a flourishing future where all members of our communities align with their potential, and where we live in reciprocity with the natural world.

For more information, download our:

Blueprint for Economic Transformation: The theory, research, participatory design process, and validation.

Living Economy Business Plan V 0.6: If you’re inspired, have a read and let us know what resonates!

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